Tuesday, 15 March 2022

London marathon 2022

 So after entering the London marathon ballot every year since 2011 this year when I am at my heaviest and have the lowest level of fitness since 2010 I got a place!

The next couple of months will be preparing by getting some base miles in the legs and shedding kilos before the training plan starts in June.  

I will add more as we get closer to the time

Monday, 4 February 2019

I think I am enjoying running again !

"Paddy, you are not running enough".

Not what you expect your Managing Director to say in a meeting

So I got my shoes on and puffed around the block,   In need of a challenge and in response the question "so do you run every day now " I decided I would so since the 1st Dec 18 I have run a minimum of 3.7 k (the short loop around the village).

My Parkrun times have gone from 26 mins to 24:30  and on Sunday I competed in my first x country race with the running club I have joined.

I think I am enjoying running again !

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Long run #2 Good luck all fellow London marathonners

Another long run today did 17 miles at better speed and more confortably than last weekends 18 mile.  I think this was in a large part due to the gels, of which I have been unsure of the value in before but they really made a difference. Could be all in the  mind as it gives you something to look forward to !  Either way am really looking forward to April 17th now .  Good luck all fellow London marathonners.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

maybe it is a midlife crisis

So today I became a grown up and have started wearing glasses for reading and using the computer.  Running has done me a good job of getting fit and loosing weight but as Mr F reminds me my worst injury before starting running was a cut finger whilst cutting lemons for gin and tonic.  Maybe this running lark is a mid life crisis afterall . ... .. should have just bought a harley !

like the specs ?

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Longest Run

Very happy, just done my longest run ever18 miles this afternoon. was'nt planning on going quite so far so had only eaten a bowl of shreddies and a museli bar, so was properly kanckered by the end. Mrs B "kindly" ran be a cold bath ! Have been eating since came back, never has a mars bar tasted so good !

Monday, 14 February 2011


Physio amazed by my amazing recovery and said do'nt need to go back for 10 days and so back to training tomorrow.  Have been thinking that I will have to reconsider my time aspirations but think I will sill be able to live with myself !

Friday, 11 February 2011

just remembered what i was gong to say

I saw my my first patch of daffodils out on my run
spring has spring in essex